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1. Which of the following is not a method of accessing the web?


MIME full form?

Ans- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.

3.  Web browser is an example of a

Ans- User agent

4.  Mosaic is a?

Ans- Web Browser

5. A(n) _____ is a personal journal posted on the Web for access by the public.

Ans- Blog

6. Every Web page has a unique address called a(n)----------

Ans- URL

7. A Web _____ is a series of Web pages on a specific topic.

Ans- Site.

8. Use the _____ feature to identify messages by category or topic.

Ans- Flag

9. Use the _____ feature to send a reply to recipients and originator of an email. It can include the original email.

Ans- Reply All.

10. In the e-mail address, “abc” is the ?

Ans- user name.

11. A URL can specify the IP address of the Web ____________ that houses a Web page ?

Ans- server

12. Which of these are Types of Internet connections?

Ans-  i) DIAS    iii) PPP

13. IRC full form ?

Ans- Internet Relay Chat

14. URL means ________.

Ans- Address of the resource on the web.

15. Whenever user opens any website then main page is called as ________. 



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